
Figure 1. Histomorphological appearance of primary fibrolamellar HCC (H&E, × 200): top left is tumor, and bottom right is normal liver.

Figure 2. Classical appearance of fibrous bands within tumor: center (H&E, × 200).

Figure 3. Vascular invasion in recurrent HCC lesion in liver after primary resection (H&E, × 200). Normal liver: top left; tumor within blood vessel: center.

Figure 4. Histomorphological appearance of secondary metastatic deposits in lungs (H&E, × 200). Top right: metastatic tumour cells; bottom left: normal alveoli.

Figure 5. CT imaging of hilar lymphadenopathy. (a) Right hilar lymphadenopathy prior to radiotherapy. (b) Right hilar region post radiotherapy. (c) Left hilar lymphadenopathy prior to radiotherapy. (d) Left hilar region post radiotherapy.