
Figure 1. Pelvic AP X-ray showing a Seinsheimer IIB pathological bone subtrochanteric fracture.

Figure 2. 3D CT scan showing a Seinsheimer IIB pathological bone subtrochanteric fracture with secondary dissemination in the trochanteric and femoral neck region.

Figure 3. Postoperative hip X-ray showing intralesional fixation with a long CMD.

Figure 4. H&E stain, × 100: a solid group of tumor cells surrounded by areas of bone tissue, connective tissue, a smooth muscle cell and extravased red blood cells, (B).

Figure 5. H&E stain, × 200 solid group of cohesive tumor cells with moderated pleomorphic nuclei surrounded by RBCs.

Figure 6. H&E stain, × 400 Glandular lumen revealed in one of the tumor cell nests

Figure 7. DAB view, hematoxylin counterstain, positive diffuse and intense reaction for CK7 in tumor cells. Anti-CK7 × 200.

Figure 8. DAB view, hematoxylin counterstain, diffuse and intense reaction for mammaglobin. Anti-mammaglobin, × 200.

Figure 9. DAB view, hematoxylin counterstain, membrane marking for E-cadherin in tumor cells. Anti-E-cadherin, × 400.

Figure 10. DAB view, hematoxylin counterstain, diffuse and intense expression of ER in tumor cell. Anti-ER, × 400.

Figure 11. DAB view, hematoxylin counterstain, focal reactivity for p63 in tumor cells, frequent stromal reactive cells. Anti-p63, × 200.
Table 1. Antibody Characteristics
Antibody | Clone | Manufacturer | Pretreatment | Dilution |
CK7 | OVTL | NOVOCASTRA | HIER-99 °C in Dako Target Retrieval solution, pH 6 | 1/50 |
p63 | - | DAKO | HIER-99 °C in Dako Target Retrieval solution, pH 6 | 1/50 |
E-cadherin | NCH-38 | DAKO | HIER-99 °C in Dako Target Retrieval solution, pH 6 | RTU |
Mamaglobin | 304-IA5 | DAKO | HIER-99 °C in Dako Target Retrieval solution, pH 6 | 1/100 |
ER | 1D5 | DAKO | HIER-99 °C in Dako Target Retrieval solution, pH 6 | 1/50 |