Figure 2. Macroscopic findings of the uterus (a, b), omentum (c), and liver (autopsy) (d). The uterus was child-head sized with multiple nodular lesions and the endometrium appeared normal (a, b). Multiple disseminations in omentum (c) and liver (d) were seen.

Figure 3. Histopathological analysis of the uterine specimen. Poorly differentiated endometrioid adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation was within uterine myometrium (hematoxylin-eosin (H&E), original magnification × 20) (a). Cancer nests adjacent to the adenomyotic foci were observed (H&E, × 20) (b). Adenomyosis was seen in myometrium (H&E, × 10) (c). The endometrium was unremarkable (H&E, × 20) (d). Immunohistochemical examination: tumor cells stained positively for p53 (g), but did not express either ER (e) or PR (f).