Figure 1. TV, PEEP, PaO2/FiO2 and mean airway pressure before ECMO. Description of ventilator parameters and oxygenation before ECMO. TV: tidal volume; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; PaO2/FiO2: ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen.

Figure 5. Conventional coagulation tests, ROTEM and MULTIPLATE during ECMO and surgery. From left to right: ↓, on PBD 5, the patient was placed on ECMO. ↓, on PBD 12, he went to OR. ↓, on PBD 22, he was decannulated. Strong correlations between MCF, CFT, ACT and aPTT. Fibrinogen was normal. TRAP test value decreased especially after surgery as well as platelet count. ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenator; ACT: activated clotting time; OR: operative room; aPTT: activated partial thromboplastin time; MCF: maximum clot firmness; CFT: clot formation time; INTEM: intrinsic elastometry; TRAP: thrombin receptor activating peptide-6.