
Figure 1. Case 1. CT orbits. Coronal sections. Left ethmoidal sinusitis adjacent to left orbit anteriorly (a) and posteriorly, at the apex of the orbit (b).

Figure 2. Case 1. CT orbits. Sagittal sections. Aerated ethmoidal (blue arrow) and sphenoidal sinuses (red arrow) on the right (a) but opacified on the left (b).

Figure 3. Case 2. CT orbits. Bone windows. Axial section (a) and coronal reformatted section (b). Remodelling and osseous destruction of the right lamina papyracea causing significant stenosis of the right orbital apex.

Figure 4. Case 2. MRI orbits. T2 weighted. Axial section. Enlargement of the right optic nerve indicated by the blue arrow. Enhancement around the optic nerve indicated by the red arrow suggests this is due to oedema or the accumulation of fluid within the nerve sheath complex.

Figure 5. Case 2. CT orbits. Axial sections. Soft tissue window (a). Bone window (b). Extensive soft tissue mass centred on the sphenoid sinuses (blue arrow) but extending to the posterior ethmoidal sinuses (red arrows) (a). Following treatment the sphenoid sinus is greatly enlarged but aerated (blue arrow) as are the ethmoidal sinuses (red arrows) (b).