
Figure 1. Preoperative radiograph showing multicellular bone destruction in the proximal humerus.

Figure 2. The custom-made megaprosthesis made from 316L stainless steel high-density polyethylene.

Figure 3. Postoperative radiograph. The implant is fixed to the humeral shaft using cement.

Figure 4. The schematic diagram of wrapping reconstruction of the rotator cuff. The detached rotator cuff tendons are each sutured to the stump of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon.

Figure 5. Shoulder function recovery after reconstruction. (a) 1 year after surgery, and (b) 5 years after surgery.

Figure 6. At the final follow-up 41 years after surgery, active shoulder range of motion is maintained. (a) 150° of active elevation. (b) 60° of active external rotation at 0° of abduction. (c) Third thoracic vertebral level of active internal rotation behind the back.

Figure 7. Plain radiograph at the time of final follow-up showing superior migration of the humeral head component and the superior glenoid erosion without stem loosening.