Journal of Medical Cases, ISSN 1923-4155 print, 1923-4163 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Med Cases and Elmer Press Inc
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Case Report

Volume 15, Number 4-5, May 2024, pages 92-96

Long Segment Colon Degloving From Blunt Abdominal Trauma


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Degloved injury of the colon. The black arrows represent the degloved portion of the colon without any mesentery attached to it.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Graphical version of the various segments of colon injury that are reported.


Table 1. A Summary of Literature on Reported Cases of Degloving of the Colon and Their Repair Type [3, 4, 6, 9-16]
StudyAge/genderEtiologySite of injuryRepair type
MVC: motor vehicle collision.
Ho and Pritchett, 1990 [10]42, maleWork accidentDescending colonColostomy
Armstrong et al, 2002 [4]34, maleFallSigmoidResection and colostomy
Armstrong et al, 2002 [4]20, femalePedestrian vs. motor vehicleSigmoidResection and colostomy
Sternbergh et al, 2003 [11]27, maleWork accidentSigmoidResection and colostomy
McStay et al, 2009 [12]28, femaleMVCIleum, ascending, transverse colonResection and ileotransverse colostomy
Keller et al, 2011 [9]8, maleMVCSigmoidResection and end colostomy
Keller et al, 2011 [9]11, maleMVCRectumResection and end colostomy
Ojuka et al, 2012 [13]34, malePedestrian vs. motor vehicleDescending colonColostomy and tensor fascia lata flap
Uri and Benamore, 2012 [14]53, femaleMVCIleocecum, duodenojejunal flexureNot specified
Terazumi et al, 2012 [3]71, maleMVCDescending colonResection and colostomy
Vailas et al, 2015 [15]31, maleMVCAscending colonIleocolonic anastomosis
El Kafsi et al, 2016 [16]56, femaleMVCRectosigmoidResection and colorectal anastomosis
Panesar et al, 2021 [6]21, maleMVCCecum, ascending colonHemi-colectomy, ileocolic anastomosis