Journal of Medical Cases, ISSN 1923-4155 print, 1923-4163 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Med Cases and Elmer Press Inc
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Case Report

Volume 15, Number 10, October 2024, pages 272-277

Thrombotic Microangiopathy After Long-Lasting Treatment by Gemcitabine: Description, Evolution and Treatment of a Rare Case


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Renal biopsies in TMA due to gemcitabine. (Left column) Immunohistochemistry with Masson trichrome showing (A) ischemic glomerulus with flocculus retraction, (B) doubling of glomerular basement membrane, (C) glomerular mesangiolysis. (Right column) Immunofluorescence showing positive staining for IgM, C3, and IgA.


Table 1. Cumulative Dose and Median Duration of Gemcitabine Treatment at Time of Thrombotic Microangiopathy Development, Review of the Literature
StudyPatientsGemcitabine administration
Cumulative dose (g/m2)Median duration (months)
*Pooled cases of gemcitabine-induced and mitomycin C-induced thrombotic microangiopathy. M: male; F: female.
Our caseF, 55 years3748
Fung et al, 1999 [3]1218.2 (2.45 - 40.2)5.8 (3.8 - 13.1)
Flombaum et al, 1999 [18]3N/A12 (12 - 17)
Glezerman et al, 2009 [5]2922 (4 - 81)7.5 (2 - 34)
Al Ustwani et al, 2014 [7]421.211 (3 - 39.5)
Leal et al, 2014 [20]312.51 (0.5 - 6)
Ritchie et al, 2017 [19]321.5 (8 - 22.1)4.5 (1.5 - 4.5)
Turner et al, 2016 [16]2N/A3
Gosain et al, 2017 [15]2N/A7 (6.3 - 8.4)
Daviet et al, 2019 [4]12012.9 (6.3 - 17.6)7 (4 - 8.5)
Grall et al, 2021 [8]1231.2 (9 - 48)6 (1.7 - 16)
Takigawa et al, 2023 [6]1821 (2.8 - 53.6)9 (0.5 - 37)
Klomjit et al, 2023 [21]379*N/A5.2 (3 - 8.2)
Walter et al, 2002 [17]F, 45 years7018
Gore et al, 2009 [9]F, 46 yearsN/A3
Starck et al, 2013 [14]M, 45 yearsN/A3.5
Facchini et al, 2017 [10]M, 3 yearsN/A3
Rogier et al, 2016 [12]F, 68 years7Around 2
Krishnappa et al, 2018 [11]F, 64 yearsN/A3
Martin et al, 2019 [13]M, 56 years25.53.5


Table 2. Summary of Immunofluorescence Staining of Complement in Renal Biopsy of G-TMA
StudyPatientsImmunofluorescence staining
G-TMA: thrombotic microangiopathy under gemcitabine; M: male; F: female.
Our caseF, 55 yearsIgM++, IgA++, C3+
Murugapandian et al, 2015 [23]F, 74 yearsNegative
Krishnappa et al, 2018 [11]F, 64 yearsC3++
Burns et al, 2020 [24]M, 39 yearsIgM++, C3++, C1q+
Grall et al, 2021 [25]12C5b9+++ in tubule, glomerulus and capillary wall of all patients