An Unusual Case of Corpulmonale Due to a Common Iliac Artery Aneurysm Fistulating to the Common Iliac Vein
Nisheeth Kansal, Reem Salman, Colin Nice, Vish Bhattacharya
This is an unusual case presenting as bilateral lower limb edema and corpulmonale secondary to left ilio-ilial fistula. A 70-year-old man with a background history of hypertension and ischemic heart disease presented to the medical team with bilateral leg swelling and deranged liver and kidney function. An abdominal ultrasound scan detected an aneurysm of the left common iliac artery. A CT angiogram revealed that this aneurysm was fistulating into the left common iliac vein causing right heart failure. This was repaired endovascularly. The procedure was successful and resulted in complete resolution of symptoms and restoration of normal liver function.
J Med Cases. 2016;7(1):18-21
Ilio-ilial fistula; Aneurysm; Right heart failure
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